Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I told my friend John Boswell that I was not going to get stressed about how the natural food rebirth was going to play out, that I was instead going to trust God to work out all the details in His good timing. The latest example of how this works has come with the humble and generally under-appreciated muffin.

Doing THE SIMPLE CAFE from the ground up is too hard without research, and tested recipes, so we are going to use the extra production capacity of one of our Orlando's Restaurants to make muffins, once I develop the recipes at my home kitchen. Monday through Friday the delivery kitchen sits idle, waiting for something to do. The plan is to make a line of both sweet and savory muffins, based on a common base recipe of organic whole wheat flour, local honey, sea salt, and sometimes a dash of melted butter or light olive oil. Then we twist things by adding things like pepperoni and mozzarella, or cheddar and bacon. In the future, I hope that people can special order dozens of their favorite muffins for their office or freezer.

I registered the domain name that I think covers this concept--MannaMuffins. No site up there yet, in fact it takes you to the old Orlando's site now, but I am working on that soon.

All in God's perfect timing. Like Solomon asked God, please pray for me to have wisdom.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Now that the second Caprock Cafe is open, I have started work on The Simple Cafe again. It is an idea borne out of necessity, as even with four restaurants at which I can eat for free, I find it hard to figure out what to eat for dinner. My latest emergency food is one that I have used in the past--stir fry some vegetables in just a little bit of olive oil, then when they are done, toss in some cooked brown rice. It is a meal that, for lack of a better description, just feels right.