Monday, May 17, 2010


I don't think hippies in the late 60's--early 70's wore branded clothing except for jeans. Everywhere I look I see kids wearing shirts that promote a particular brand. And they paid good money for that brand name. I've seen some $25 t-shirts that would sell for $10 otherwise.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." Daniel 2:21

Whatever wisdom you have, you got from God....Furthermore, whatever knowledge you are able to take in and assimilate into your life is made possible because of the ability God has given you to discern, perceive, and understand....Ideas may seem to come out of nowhere, but in truth, they have a source--either God or the enemy of our souls working in the imagination and lustful desires. Feelings may seem to erupt spontaneously, but in truth, they have a source--the heart, which is turned toward or away from God.

April 29
"God's Way Day by Day" by Charles F. Stanley


Freebird's and Chipotle are my heroes. They are miniature cafeterias that happen to use tortillas and salad bases instead of china dishes. In Fort Worth my parent's used to take me to Finley's Cafeteria on Camp Bowie when I was a kid. Unlike the other cafeterias like Colonial and Luby's in Fort Worth, Finley's was small, almost tiny. I remember the food came through one window between the kitchen and the serving line. Everything was made from scratch, and it was excellent. So I knew even when I was eight years old that cafeterias did not have to be giant industrial complexes--they could be small neighborhood feeding stations serving quality food. That's what I want The Simple Cafe to be--a small neighborhood feeding station serving natural foods in a fun vibrant atmosphere.